This resource has vocabulary exercises and speaking questions to prepare for IGCSE and IELTS. It also interlinks with Social studies and Citzenship and other subjects. They are predicted speaking questions which can come up in IGCSE or the IELTS exam. They are also helpful resources for literacy and EAL. There is variation of strategies and options for peer and self assessment. This unit of work can last 7-9 weeks.
IGCSE English communication lessons, group / individual and pair work.
Students do warmer, brainstorm activity, vocabulary work then group project and peer assessment.
Whole lesson included
This lesson includes a discussion at the beginning, it followed by a short reading with some questions to check the text is understood. There is a vocabulary brainstorm activity; then based on the reading students can construct a persuasive leaflet about Face yoga in their community. This is good to allow learners to work in groups, to collaborate and share ideas. It helps learners gain knowledge about an obscure topic and also to develop their health and well - being. This would be good for learners to apply who have previously studied persuasive writing techniques. All in all Speaking, reading and writing are the skills that will be enhanced in this lesson. It is designed for IGCSE second language core or extended, as well as Key stage 2, it may also be used in PSHE or Health and Social care.
Intrduction to weird sports to build learners research and team-work skills, this lesson is engaging and fun, it will build learners cultural awareness and provide them with knowledge that will allow them to think outside the box when answering writing or speaking questions for IGCSE English or IELTS. This lesson links with ICT, Numeracy and public speaking as well as English. It is on thr topic of sports but gives learners a more critical insight.
They will take part in a discussion, a research activity, presenting activity, create a survey, construct a pie chart, summarise the pie chart and then make a persuasive leaflet on a weird sport of their choice.
Fun and appealing to all learning styles.
This is 5 step worksheet designed to develop and expand general English vocabulary.
It can be used in literacy, EAL, English or form time.
It was designed as a revision sheet for my class however it can be used for any English class.
It covers spelling, synonyms, creating context clues and answer questions within different contexts whilst also recapping parts of speech.
The material will last 1-2 sessions.
This a power point with a full step by step lesson for the teacher. It includes instructions and activities for the students. It is extremely interactive and done under the context of spy fiction. Everything is straightforward and easy to follow. God for reviewing adverbs and simple sentence development. Students enjoy the movement and hand-on element.
This includes:
Reading comprehension
Writing tasks
Literacy tasks
Tasks related to real word issues
Literacy and PSHE resources together
Interactive lessons and student centered
Would suit
IGCSE English
KS3 English
KS4 English ESL
Whole school literacy
Functional skills
15 Speaking and writing topics to engage learners in English.
Topics that focus on other developments around the world.
They will encourage writing and speaking for sure!
This is excellent for IGCSE ESL and EDEXCEL ESL, it also good for native speakers and ESL learners at KS2/3
The lesson includes 2 warmers, 2 tasks and a vocabulary help sheet.
There is. speaking exam question at the end. A very hands on activity where students make problems using A4 paper and present their solutions inside. Very visual and hands on and also related to speaking exams.
Great for all ages.
Enjoy :)
This has 4 pages with 5 activities, most are interactive. There is a variation of group work, pair work and individual. It is straight forward and good for grade 4 -6 as well as EAL refresher for KS3/4 students. Starts with a brainstorm warmer wich students love, instructions written easily for students and for teacher to follow.
This is an activity to check learning of basic punctuation good for any age, good warmer, recap or mid class activity before writing. EAL/Literacy/ESL/Functional Skills
Useful creative writing prompt or English Lange, PSHE or Form tim.
For teens and young adults.
Great reflection tool.
Can even be used by teachers as an outlet.
Creative, calm and fun journal to allow teens and adults to be mindful.
Students can use the prompts to explore their creativity whilst using the topic of fashion.
This can help teens explore their emotions.
It can be used in PSHE/FORM TIME/ENGLISH